18 September 2010


Today was a good day because I met up for a writing date with JP at The Book Cellar and actually banged out a story start-to-finish before we were both fried for the day. 

I have this terrible habit, in writing and, I guess in life, of powering through the first two-thirds of something and then dragging.......to.....a.....stop.

I've been kicking an idea for a graphic novel around in my head for more than a year.  One night this summer, after a long walk on the lake path, I came home and outlined it on page after page with a black Sharpie.  But then, weirdly, I stopped at a point a little more than halfway through the story.  I have 2/3 of a short story done. The whole thing is outlined, I have read it multiple times for my writing partners, but I just can't sit down and finish it.

What I wrote today needs a ton of work.  But, I'm clear on the beginning-middle-end.  That's a big deal for me. 

To celebrate, JP and I pretended we were in France and had a delicious dinner of wine, cheese and chocolate.  Just for fun, I've been asking myself this question every day:  "If someone came and said, 'you can go anywhere in the world right now -- money, obligations and reality are not a factor' where would I go?"  Recent popular answers have been Maine (in a cottage by the sea, eating lobster and writing) Alaska (watching grizzlies...from a safe distance) and Thailand (laying on the beach). 

Today it was France.  How can I make it happen? 

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