28 September 2010

Bloggus Interruptus

I did not forget to post yesterday.  I wrote very dutifully about Little Ed and my crazy upstairs neighbor last night.  But posting was thwarted because my computer is infected with a virus or some type of malware (which is a very badass word). 

My five year old computer has been dying without dignity since January.  I'm taking her in the shop again tomorrow, but I fear the end is near.  I am posting this tonight from the free public computer at Winston's -- the leather-bar-turned-24-hour coffee-shop a couple of blocks down.  I may be the first patron in the establishment's history to use this computer for something other than cruising "HoTT BuTTs" or "Sinagaporean Sloppy Sluts." Or, you know, Facebook.

Anyway.  I will be back on track through Thursday, either on this borrowed machine or on my own computer now living on borrowed time.  Say a few Hail Marys for us, won't you?


  1. I was totally going to leave a snarky comment about skipping a September Blog Challenge day too. Good thing I held off.

  2. I'm glad you posted this explanation. I was about to get all bossy with you about staying on top of the Sept. blog challenge, per your request. Hail Marys said btw.
